The P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin Department [CURRENTLY CLOSED]


[Due to the arrest and indictment of the Samourai Wallet devs and increasing worries about the state of bitcoin privacy, this fund is currently closed. Please visit PAZNIA.COM/MONERO to contribute.]

1. The P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin General Fund

Mission: to provide mutual aid to P.A.Z.NIANs and self-liberators, for the development & maintenance of the Second Realm.

A Mutual Aid Fund

Helping other self-liberators in need, whether legally, financially, or emotionally.

Developing The Second Realm

Food self-sufficiency funds, crypto-anarchy projects, & publishing costs for freedom-oriented books, to name a few uses.

Bitcoin For Vetted P.A.Z.NIANs

Any vetted self-liberator is encouraged to apply for funds. Email: [email protected].


Funds are CoinJoined within Samourai Wallet’s Whirlpool to ensure forward-looking privacy. Pseudonyms encouraged.

Not Intended For…

The funding of ANY State activities, political crusades, or as a welfare program/crutch.

“What about the poor…”

We live by example by taking care and supporting our own.

2. The (Coming) Great P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines

The P.A.Z.NIA Bitcoin Mines are a coming feature of #TheFreeRepublic, developments of which will be discussed at the next Second Realm Assembly. This section will be updated, but for now, please check out this great guide authored by TucsonBitcoin!

A Source of KYC-Free Satoshis

Mining provides a way to stack sats without revealing personal information or dealing with third party risk.

Off-Grid Bitcoin Mining Communities

Communities (nomadic or otherwise) could spring up around off-grid energy sources that were previously not financially feasible, but can be because of bitcoin.

Funding The Second Realm

Bitcoin mining can be use to fund developments in the Second Realm — whether larger infrastructure projects or individual endeavors.

3. Donate to #TheFreeRepublic

Bitcoin is also the preferred method for contributions to P.A.Z.NIA and this overarching Second Realm network under construction. Your donations are greatly appreciated!