The P.A.Z.NIA Department of Education
Our Mission: Provide the knowledge and tools to learn anything, using the Trivium & Quadrivium as foundations, with the goal of empowering future generations with the resources necessary to thrive in the First or the Second Realm.
This page will be developed over the coming months, and should be considered a placeholder for the time being. (V1, 12/2024)

- Crowdsource ideas, resources, and more on the CryptPad document embedded below
- To create a comprehensive curriculum on self-liberation, incorporating the Trivium and the Quadrivium, teaching current & future generations HOW to learn anything
- Expose anyone interested (children, adults pursuing lifetime learning, etc.) to a wide array of perspectives not found in First Realm “schooling” — REAL history, REAL science, REAL finance/economics, vonu/self-liberation strategy & tactics, etc.
- When V1 of the P.A.Z.NIA Homeschooling/Unschooling Curriculum is finalized, create digital modules, resources, etc. to be utilized and beta-tested

- Contribute ideas, resources, and more via the document below OR email [email protected] to discuss privately
- When the time comes, help create a “digital course”/module for the P.A.Z.NIA Homeschooling/Unschooling Curriculum
- When the digital course is ready, try it our yourself, or have your child(ren) try it out! And provide feedback, critiques, etc. to help make it better