Established in Article 333,555,777, Section 33 of the P.A.Z.NIA Constitution, the Team’s role is to contribute to the building and maintenance of THIS FREE REPUBLIC here at Veritas.

The Coordinator shall be commander-in-chiefin’ of the defensive powers of Naomi Defense LLC, and of Willy2, The Goat-Tank. In exercise of his (or her) duties, the aforementioned Coordinator may require the expert opinion, insight, or otherwise “higher” advice of principled ambassadors and liaisons within The Self-Liberator’s Paradise.

The Coordinator, in concert with the Ambassador of the Department of Freedom, has the power to grant or rescind P.A.Z.NIA Diplomatic Passports, Immunity Passports, and any other official Department of NoState documentation that may be necessary in the future.

Finally, provisions shall be made for the future construction of The Great Wall of P.A.Z.NIA and other measures, incumbent upon approval by the local Committee of Safety.


P.A.Z.NIA/second realm coordinator

[Other roles include: Lead Sheep Herder, Permaculture Farmer-In-Training, Lead Astronaut @ The P.A.Z.NIA Secret Space Program/Freedom Observatory (S.S.P./F.O.), Prospector @ The P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines, Wordsmith @ the P.A.Z.NIA Lbry]

Ora DeVeritas


[Other roles include: Spiritual Liaison @ Our Church of Self-Liberation, P.A.Z.NIA Apothecary, The Engineer, Prospector @ The P.A.Z.NIAN Bitcoin Mines, Akashic Annotator @ The P.A.Z.NIA S.S.P./F.O.]



Always be digging…

Got a skill you’d like to contribute to P.A.Z.NIA?

  1. Become a STEAKholder ($333 minimum donation);
  2. Send me an email ([email protected]) and let me know of your donation and skill;
  3. Create your own official P.A.Z.NIA title;
  4. And start offering your skill to the Second Realm!

EXAMPLE: John is a practitioner of Ayurvedic/Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dr. John creates a title for himself, whatever he would like (serious and/or satirical), and can offer his services to P.A.Z.NIANS, hopefully at a discount and with barter as an option!

It’s a fun way to: 1) mock the State, 2) build up the agora, and 3) thrive while doing it.

This website is owned and operated by The Free Republic of P.A.Z.NIA. Taxation is theft, and the servile society is slavery.